Summer Projects

When you live in your house for a long time, you need to be aware of  things that need routine maintenance before big things happen. The same goes for our schools –  especially for a school that was built in 1932 (that makes Brownstone 83 years old!).  However, we must follow the budget process. When people look at their personal tax bill and vote for the bottom line, the “Capital Expenditure” section that supports routine maintenance of our schools is usually the first item to be reduced or even eliminated from a school budget.

Our boy’s lavatories look like they are the originals from 1932!  We ask for renovation funding year after year and finally received approval to go ahead with the renovations during this summer. Demolition has just begun.  Monday is July 27th. School starts on August 26th. Let’s hope that the crew is speedy and completes the renovation by the first day of school.  Fingers crossed!

Here’s a “before” picture for the record:


I can’t wait to show you the finished product!!

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